It’s restock day at the Beef Barn!

Why is restock day so important in Clarion?  I’m glad you asked!

The supply of goods from food manufacturers to consumers is seemingly inexhaustible.  It appears that the goal is to maintain an inventory of everything, all the time, in every nook and cranny market in every town.

As living beings, this reality presents a problem: for most of human history, people didn’t have unlimited access to food.  Early man followed an orderly rhythm of want and surplus, want and surplus.  As a result, our genes are still accustomed to want, then surplus.  Living conditions have changed considerably in the past 150 years, yet on an anatomical level we are still very much the same as our ancestors.  When exposed to surplus following surplus, human genes don’t know how to react.  Human psyche doesn’t know how to react, either: we devalue everything mass produced.

Today consumers feel nostalgia for anything created by skilled hand labor, especially food.  Think: beer, bread, milk, cheese, garden tomatoes, and beef.  Restock day at the Beef Barn pays homage to the orderly patterns of a bygone era.  Our inventory pulses because it’s real: Clarion Farms Beef is from one identifiable source.  We don’t compromise that integrity.  The order of restock day is a mental check for all of us to wait and appreciate what is truly good.

Steaks, roasts, and ground beef are filling the coolers today, friends.  You’ll find grainfed and grassfed, because people like to have choices that fit their lifestyle.  We’re open from 10-5 today, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  Head out and celebrate a moment of local surplus.

See you at the farm!