Henry's Farm Update, 4-6-20

Hi folks,

Henry here with your weekly farm update.

I like to help Dad with the grassfed herd. He covers a LOT of territory in a day, though, and that makes it tough for my short legs to keep up.

Queue my Mom Engine. She loads me into the off-road stroller and we bounce over the hills like a couple of crazy people. Well, I bounce. She pushes. A lot.

Dad tells us where to park and we set up ‘camp’ where I can run around and help. He works in big loops, carrying posts away, then pushing them in the ground on his return trip. Then he unrolls wire away again, and returns for another armload of posts. We both enjoy short visits each time he comes back to our staging area. Mom stands by and prevents me from falling down hills, eating too much weird stuff, falling in the creek, falling in puddles, electrocuting myself on the fence, causing a stampede, getting knocked down by Annie, getting stuck in brush, falling off logs, uprooting anthills, starting the pickup, getting lonely, getting hungry, getting thirsty…you get the idea. Mom has the hard job.

We all hope you are finding things to do, too. Remember this: It takes a team to make anything happen. Dad tells me every day how lucky we are to have such a dedicated network of people that make this place work. When you’re cooking Clarion Farms Beef for your family, not only are you putting a superior, totally authentic product on your plate, you’re making things happen from home.

That, friends, is pretty awesome. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish hitting this post with my hammer. See you at the farm!


Henry Port