Medicated Food

~ This article first appeared in The Leader Vindicator newspaper. ~

If you want to make your dinner guests uncomfortable, assure them that the chicken breasts you’re serving are sourced from birds that were heavily drugged during their life.

A majority of people prefer not to think about the reality of pharmaceutically contaminated food, defaulting instead to a sort of “don’t ask, don’t tell” ingestion policy.  We assume that if it’s available, it’s going to be OK to eat.  The subject of rogue chemicals in food is so massive that it collapses under its own complexity, continuing on unchecked and invisible.

This invisibility doesn’t change the fact that living beings are averse to poison.  I suspect even the drug reps would balk if presented with raw, concentrated medications as a side dish with dinner, even though they’re already eating smaller doses with each meal.  A global psychological weight would be lifted if the topic of pharmaceutically contaminated food wasn’t a topic at all.

We see evidence of societal disapproval for food manipulation by studying the controversy surrounding medicated feed.  Livestock feed is under intense scrutiny because it’s often a carrier of medication.  The idea is a shotgun approach to what has been deemed “herd health”:  Because some animals might get sick, every animal is treated no matter what.  Treatment is guaranteed because it’s delivered via ingestion, a process every animal must complete every day.

Two major problems arise from this approach.  First, continual dosage results in disease adaptation that creates resistant strains of pathogens.  Second, nobody is really sure that the dosages are completely purged from animals before they enter the food chain.  It seems highly unlikely that there wouldn’t be some residual, and that that residual, over time, will not accumulate farther up the food chain in people.

So the controversy rages on, but the process remains unchecked.

Farmer Joel Salatin has always warned that how a society treats its livestock is a good indicator of how the society will treat its people.  If livestock are just blobs that need confined, controlled, and physically manipulated via a highly efficient framework in order to yield a result, then people will eventually be subjected to the same methodology.  The world we live in is a direct result of the world we create.

It’s no surprise, then, to learn that medicated people food is on the horizon.  According to an article on, federal tax funding is being put to use studying how to create pharmaceutical lettuce.  In this case, the leafy green would become a “mRNA vaccine factory” that could be administered as a side dish to blissful diners who are, as we all seem to be, exposed to the serious risk of being alive.

Nobody thinks the project will be successful.  The mRNA molecules can’t survive cooking or digestion, so even if they’re in the plant, they won’t supply a dose of vaccine.  Why, then, are the dollars being spent?

Manufacturers would like to create pharmaceutical food.  They’ve been at it for years experimenting with livestock drugs grown in corn.  According to an article on, in 2002 some people-food grade soybeans were contaminated with corn engineered to contain an anti-diarrhea drug for pigs.  This was swept under the rug as no biggie, just a little mistake.  Very few people heard about the incident, which, according to the same article, was one of many cases of engineered crops escaping their intended perimeter.

If the livestock market is good, the human market is better.  Biotech companies can (and do) make a tremendous amount of money from drugging people, and by doing so they gain a tremendous amount of control over the population.  Drugs in a pill or a shot can be refused, but, as the feedlots have taught us, drugs in the food are inescapable.  From their perspective, people need to be comfortable with the idea of getting drugged when they eat.

Enter an age of vaccine hysteria, and the door is open to take advantage of free, widespread publicity.  People, during this bubble of enlightenment, are willing to unquestioningly subject themselves to all forms of science in the interest of “safety”.  So, hey, why not get some of that “safety” from your food?  Notice that the experiment specifically targets mRNA vaccines – have those been mentioned recently? – which the scientists know will not work.  It’s not the mRNA vaccine they’re experimenting with, it’s public acceptance of drugged food that they’re after.  Right now, I bet they’d get it.

This is going way too far.  Food absolutely has to remain sacred.  It is our sustenance, our life, our physical being.  We share it with our children and gather around it with our families.  To blur the line between vegetable garden and drug manufacturer warning booklet is a tragedy with unprecedented consequences.

Wholesome food is a matter of citizen survival.  The only way for citizens to enforce a zero-tolerance policy on biotech food is to remove the authority of the biotech companies and their concomitant politicians.  Local food is no longer a novelty or a joke; it’s a loophole to freedom that we must jump through.  Let the politicians grin and eat their poison for the cameras and the propaganda.  I’ll grow my own well-being, thank you very much.



GM Watch. (2021 October 29). COVID-19 vaccines in lettuce and spinach?

Nichols, John. (2002, December 12). The Three Mile Island of Biotech? The Nation.