Henry's Farm Update, 12-16-19

Hi everyone,

Henry here with my weekly farm update.

My dad covers a lot of ground in a day.  It’s a little tough for my short legs to keep up with him; tall grass, deep puddles, steep slopes, and electric fences are all distractions that slow me down.

Grandpa and Great-Uncle Scott, fortunately, spend a lot of time on smoother surfaces.  Baby calves are fed gigantic bottles twice every day in the barnyard, and it’s the perfect place for me to help.  I spend a lot of time checking calves, chasing cats, and splashing water out of buckets when Grandpa is trying to fill them up.  He doesn’t trust me to spray the hose yet.  Adults and their worries.  Sheesh!

Henry's Farm Update 12-16.jpg

There are a lot of roasts going out the door for Christmas this week!  It’s a mad house around here because Dad has two deliveries off the farm and the store is packed with special orders that all need picked up soon.  I think everyone is a little harried, but not when we’re feeding calves as a family.  The chore slows things down and unites us during a busy time of year.

It makes me think about the week coming up.  Grown-ups get so busy planning that they forget to enjoy stuff like a cool icicle or a moment to read a story or the funny flitting of a chickadee on the bird feeder. 

Each of these roasts leaving the Beef Barn represents a meal for a family.  A meal, friends, is a pause in the midst of chaos.  You can sit down and be together and enjoy life in the moment, just like I do.  You’ll never regret just stopping and soaking in the goodness of time irrelevant.

Make a point to do so.

See you in the (crazy) Beef Barn!

Henry Port