It’s restock day at the Beef Barn!

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Wednesday is the pulse of the week in Clarion: we refill our store, you refill your fridge, and we all eat like kings until next Wednesday when the cycle restarts. 

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It’s how eating is supposed to function: a local source balances needs by presenting an order punctuated by plenty, then want, then plenty, then want again.  The exploits of industrial food production erased the necessary phase of needing food; it’s always available, 24/7.  Overabundant food is not good food. 

If we don’t, at some point, have to wait to receive the provisions we need, we’ll never fully appreciate them.  Additionally, small batch production ensures quality that cannot be duplicated on a large scale.  So a little bit of waiting creates a healthy dependence on the bounty of the land that immediately surrounds our home.  That dependence yields appreciation and pride for region, town, and homestead.

Those who share a vision and see a purpose for Clarion shop at the Beef Barn.  We’ll see you at the farm today!