Make tallow at home! A how-to video.

When I’m cooking, I prefer to know the origin of my ingredients. Cooking oils are an often-overlooked blind spot; I use them frequently, but I know nothing about the spattering hot lubrication I add to pans. As the wholesome virtues of vegetable cooking oils and adulterated olive oils is increasingly called into question, my longing for source verification grows.

If you feel the same way I do, this clip will be a blessing! Here is a straightforward method to make Clarion Farms beef tallow at home with savory fats skimmed out of your slow cooker. Now, when you’re firing up the wok for stir-fry vegetables, you can add a dab of source-verified cooking fat that doubles the flavor of every meal.

You’ll notice that I made this small batch from only one rack of short ribs; obviously, the more ribs you make, the more tallow you can render, too. If you’re seeking a new level of goodness, make your tallow from grassfed fat.

When the days are short and the nights are long, it’s time to make tallow! Get to work and start enjoying Clarion Farms Beef in a whole new way. We have short ribs aplenty in stock!