Farm Dog Friday!


Annie has a lot to learn about life around here. She’s eager to encounter every new opportunity and is ready to go at a moment’s notice.

Our mode of transportation is the well-worn farm truck with rusted sides and bald tires. Annie rides shotgun and I haul on the wheel and work the pedals to maneuver the old pickup over hill and valley en route to whatever project is on my mind that day. The pup uses drive time as nap time, usually fitting her legs between the door and a mineral bag for stability as we bounce along. Particularly large bumps elicit irritated groans from the passenger seat. I always tell her she’s free to walk.

Occasionally a really great nap will extend beyond the limited time we spend in the cab. In these scenarios I leave the dog to rest while I work outside the vehicle. Fortunately, I never have to guess when she wakes up: a quick glance reveals perked ears and staring eyes hanging out the window.

Annie in window.JPG

And so it goes. I’m hoarse from hollering ‘Annie, COME!’ across acres of cow pasture and weary from 85,234 pee breaks a day. Our house is destroyed from the antics of dog, cat, and baby. Fortunately I get the chance to read several letters of a word in my ‘Training Stock Dogs’ book between interruptions, so I should finish the tome just a little before my 70th birthday. HA!

I am grateful for the support system in place on our farm; I wouldn’t make it without all the great people around here. This is exactly the kind of communal gathering point we all need to get through the craziness of life. It takes a village to raise food and families, doesn’t it? As a customer, you’re part of the village, too. Does life feel a little crazy? Take heart. We all have each other’s back.

See you at the Beef Barn!